We went out to Long Island this weekend for Madelyn’s Teddy Bear picnic birthday party! We had so much fun, and Aunt Bridget threw an awesome party!

Madelyn loved the princess castle dollhouse we gave her!

Emily loved taking pictures too… Almost as much as Madelyn loved balloons!

She was well rested and ready to party!

Madelyn is a little flirt…

Ben’s pretty “flirty” himself…

We had a delicious picnic feast!

Liam loves playing freeze tag… Good thing it was such a beautiful afternoon so we could play outside!

The best part of the day was the freeze dance party!

Can you guess who got tired of dancing????

We had delicious cupcakes and cookies that Mommy helped Aunt Bridget decorate!

Aunt Bridget made Madelyn a beautiful big cupcake for her smash cake!

Isn’t she the cutest teddy bear you’ve ever seen?!?!?!

She LOVED her cake, and did a great job with the smashing part!

She was pretty good a sharing too!

We got some yummy cookies to thank us all for coming to the party!