Liam had his 1st birthday party yesterday at Nannie & Grandpa’s house, and we had so much fun! After a week of everyone being sick, the girls were well enough to go celebrate with Mommy, while Daddy had to stay home with Ben, who still had a fever
.We missed having them there, but we were glad we got to go! Liam had a big farm-themed birthday party, and Aunt Bridget had lots of cute decorations, fun food & great games! Thanks for a fun time, and happy birthday Liam!!!
-Abby & Emily

All the food at the party was part of the farm theme, and our favorite was the “duck pond” punch!

Aunt Bridget made the cutest barn cake for Liam to smash!

Mommy helped her frost some grass cupcakes to put all the farm animal signs in!

It turned out to be a beautiful day, so we got to be crazy farm girls in the backyard!

GG got to come and celebrate too!

Everyone loved all the farm toys, games & costumes!

Grandpa outdid himself and rented a pony for the party! We’re not sure how much Liam understood, but we LOVED it… especially Emily!

Grandpa rented the pony for an hour, and all the kids only wanted to ride around the yard once, so Emily was in HEAVEN when she kept going over and over again & had 45 minutes of riding all to herself! We’re going to have the get that girl some riding lessons… she LOVES horses!

As always, Liam was Mommy’s buddy, and she was happy to have him, because she was missing her little man (and big man) back home!

Hanging out with all the kids was a blast!

Liam even had a cow piƱata at the party! We all tried hard to crack it open, but Uncle Kevin finally had to rip it apart to get the candy out, and Liam wasn’t too happy about that…

We played “Pin the Chick on the Barn”, and were pretty good at it!

Liam LOVED his cake, and who could blame him???? He had a whole barn to himself!

Happy birthday Liam! We love you!!!

This is always the sign of a good party…