For everyone who has been following Ben’s Christmas basket picture all over Pinterest, Facebook and various websites (between them all now, I’m sure he’s well over 1,000,000 likes and has comments from around the world), here’s the side by side comparison that everyone has been asking for! The basket’s seen better days, and he won’t take off his Superman Jammies (thanks Aunt Jenna!), but he’s still just as cute as ever!
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away." - Welcome to our favorite Beach Family moments!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Christmas as Nannie & Grandpa’s house
We had a wonderful Christmas celebration at Nannie & Grandpa’s house this year, filled with lots of fun, good food, and great memories! Merry Christmas everyone!
Thanks to Aunt Bridget, Mommy & Daddy actually got a picture together! They don’t think they’ve had one alone since their honeymoon, almost 10 years ago!
Liam started off present opening on a good note, LOVING his Yo Gabba Gabba book from Daddy!
Nannie & Aunt Bridget LOVED their homemade rainbow loom bracelets from Abby!
Emily can’t wait for her teeth to fall out now… thanks Nannie!
There were lots of trucks & trains this year, and the boys had a blast!
Abby was so excited to learn to sew with Nannie on her new machine! Maybe she can teach Mommy someday…
Nannie & Grandpa always love getting their Shutterfly calendars…
Emily LOVED her ponies!!!!
Liam was busy showing Grandpa the special Shutterfly book we made for them!
… and he loved his special ABC Shutterfly book from Mommy!
Ben loves hooded bathrobes these days, so Aunt Bridget’s gift sure was a hit!
Aunt Bridget hit another homerun with Emily’s hand-painted piggy bank!
Abby was so excited to get her first pair of earrings too!
No matter how many presents he got, Liam still thought the Styrofoam was cooler…
Grandpa got a cool dirt bike to have at his house, and while the kids thought it was cool… Mommy wasn’t so sure. She said she’d have to try it out first to make sure it was safe!
… so she hopped on to deem it “safe” for us to ride!
Unfortunately, it didn’t go the way we’d hoped, and Mommy said NEVER!
Good thing she was going so slow…
She hopped on to try again, but Daddy had to go running after her to stop her from falling in the bushes again!
She did go for a ride with him though, and decided we could go for a spin ONLY if we rode with Daddy…
We loved it so much, we even convinced Uncle Kevin to try!
Unfortunately, he ended up like Mommy, but he was going MUCH faster and fell in a thorn bush!
But he got back on and tried again, and did great! Great job Uncle Kevin… you did a great job, and you made Mommy feel better about herself!
Of course, Daddy, Aunt Bridget & Grandpa had no trouble riding the first time… what kind of house did they grow up in?!?!?!
Next we headed out to do some target shooting in Grandpa’s backyard which was so much fun! Abby turned out to be a natural, and Mommy redeemed herself and did much better than with the motorcycle!
Watch the water bottle fall as Abby made a direct hit!
There was A LOT of this going on with the boys this weekend, but overall, they did very well together!
Grandpa & Ben were buddies, which is good, because Liam has claimed Nannie as his own!
We had so much fun hanging out together for an extra day, just playing with toys, learning to sew, taking a bath, and cooking together!
Abby made her first item… a removable sleeve!
Bath time with cousins is so much fun… until Grandpa turns the jets on and soaks Mommy & freaks everyone out! There was quite a bit of chaos after that one… Thanks Grandpa!
There were a lot of cooks in the kitchen during this holiday, but we all had fun doing it together!
Abby made each person a special menu for our Christmas dinner. She takes after Mommy…
Our Flutterbye fairy created quite the entertainment for everyone! Daddy is still the best flier, but Kevin’s picking it up quickly!
“Bridget… look…. Supers!” Ben loved showing everyone his Superman pajamas!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
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